Wednesday, November 6, 2024
By SW Dallas News | Feb 28, 2022
Khaled Aldahik's tow truck operator (incident management) license is set to expire on March 18.
Edith Garcia's tow truck operator (incident management) license is set to expire on March 14.
Ernest W. Strickland's tow truck operator (incident management) license is set to expire on March 30.
Erick Rico's tow truck operator (consent tow) license is set to expire on March 9.
Nobilis Administrative Services, Inc.'s service contract provider license is set to expire on March 31.
Gary W. Justice's tow truck operator (consent tow) license is set to expire on March 26.
Joseph L. Rodriguez's tow truck operator (consent tow) license is set to expire on March 13.
Brian K. Moore's tow truck operator (private property) license is set to expire on March 10.
Kenneth D. Reeves Jr.'s tow truck operator (consent tow) license is set to expire on March 16.
Dennis E. Richardson's tow truck operator (incident management) license is set to expire on March 31.
Dennis W. Herfurth's tow truck operator (incident management) license is set to expire on March 15.
Jesse P. Rodriguez's tow truck operator (consent tow) license is set to expire on March 16.
Brodrick L. Beal's tow truck operator (consent tow) license is set to expire on March 18.
Leosdan F. Quevedo Sr.'s tow truck operator (consent tow) license is set to expire on March 1.
There are two polygraph examiner licenses held by individuals from Dallas County that are set to expire during February, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
Efren Hernandez's tow truck operator (consent tow) license is set to expire on March 23.
Mohammad Rostami's tow truck operator (consent tow) license is set to expire on March 22.
Richard J. Frerich's tow truck operator (incident management) license is set to expire on March 17.
Oviedo Supplies, LLC's used auto parts recycler license is set to expire on March 18.
Juan P. Cruz's tow truck operator (consent tow) license is set to expire on March 10.